The Author Breakthrough Coaching Program

Inspire & encourage others with your message & your story!
Get it out into the world....finally!
Your complete A,B,C to starting that book in your heart, staying inspired and focussed to the finish and publishing it quickly and easily.
(Value $8854) You don't pay this! 

I will take all the risk....
**14 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee**

Fast Action Bonus: Personal Outline review from Sue (email to her & get feedback)
Value: $1,000

Your Book Outline is KEY to helping your book be a success: the order of it, what's included in it and the naming conventions of your chapter titles that 'hook' a potential reader & buyer.

A good outline ensures your book flows in a coherent way to the reader & also grabs their attention (or NOT), when they check it out in a bookstore or 'look inside' feature on Amazon.
It also ensures your memoir flows well, with a good reader experience.

This is the same for your fiction story plot: your children/YA or adult fiction plot can make or break whether it's enjoyed by your reader or not.

Get it right, and this makes the rest of your book writing so much easier. Get it wrong and you waste a lot of time writing the wrong things.

Act fast, and you get a GUARANTEED PERSONAL REVIEW of it from Sue to encourage you on what's awesome about it & tweak what can be improved to make it stellar.

So what is included in the coaching program?

Module 1 : Powerful Purpose

Clarity & vision is so important to keep you motivated & focussed. After these sessions, you will know your 'why' at a very deep level with a special exercise we do, and we'll work on your self-belief (GOD-confidence!) at an even greater level.
Get ready to leave the masses who have half-written books on their computers!
You're on your way to finally finishing.

Module 1 : Plan

Get more done in 90 Days than most people do in 1 year. 
Design an appealing, interesting outline (children's or non-fiction/memoir) that flows well and write an introduction that is so full of benefits that it excites your readers to keep on reading to find out more.

Module 3 : Plan

Design an outline that flows and write an introduction that is so full of benefits 
that it excites your readers to keep on reading to find out more.

Module 2: Pen 

Get going quickly on your draft, gain more advanced writing skills, become a more creative writer 
& get valuable feedback on your writing from others
 so you can be confident it's good enough for publication

Module 3: Publish

Get the lowdown on getting published; save time & headaches 
learning a step-by-step guide from someone who's done it already & knows the path

Module 4: Promote

Build excitement over your book (and people wanting a copy) before you've even finished writing it & then launch it like a pro

Separate classes: 
Choose either Fiction or Non-fiction
Fiction Book writers (Children's, YA or adult) or Non-fiction (memoir, devotional, teaching topic book etc)

Children's book writers, fiction writers, I got you covered too! 
Your 8 sessions will involve separate sessions focussed on children's or YA/adult book fiction writing including:
- Character building
Working with your plot
- Children's book devices to make it fun for children!
- Illustration considerations for children's picture books & how to work with an illustrator
- How to publish a children's book/fiction book
- Opportunity for Q&A.

PLUS these awesome BONUSES are included...

Bonus #1 : 2 VIP Tickets to the 'Book Breakthrough' LIVE Online Event ($997 Value)

We're going to spend an entire & jam-packed 2 days together over a weekend to talk about marketing strategies for your book so you can get it into more hands!

With Sue & guest speakers!

Bonus #1: The Faith Factor
Confidence Booster Training & Belief Boosters Worksheet (Value $249)

A bonus training to work on your self-belief (GOD-confidence!) at an even greater level.
This is great for you if you still have some nagging thoughts of 'Can I do this? Am I good enough? Can I write well enough?'
In the words of one client, it has been a 'life-changing' training.

I have compiled the most common lies & beliefs that aspiring authors struggle with, and assembled truth statements, founded in the Word of God, that can help you annihilate those lies.
Keep these 'Truth Bombs' with you & read & speak it daily!

Bonus #2 : Book Launch Strategy (Value $997)

Get a launch strategy that will maximise your chances of 
gaining exposure for your book & getting reviews quickly. 

- Learn about a social media promotion plan for your book launch & what graphics to include
- Understand week by week what to do leading up to the launch
- Find out how to build a buzz around your book before it's release

Fast Action Bonus: Guaranteed Personal review of your book outline with Sue
(for fast action takers)

Your Book Outline is KEY to helping your book be a success: the order of it, what's included in it and the naming conventions of your chapter titles that 'hook' a potential reader & buyer.

A good outline ensures your book flows in a coherent way to the reader & also grabs their attention (or NOT), when they check it out in a bookstore or 'look inside' feature on Amazon.

This is the same for your fiction story plot: your children/YA or adult fiction plot can make or break whether it's enjoyed by your reader or not.

Get it right, and this makes the rest of your book writing so much easier. Get it wrong and you waste a lot of time writing the wrong things.

Act fast, by midnight tonight, and you get a GUARANTEED HOTSEAT on a group call with Sue to encourage you on what's awesome about it & tweak what can be improved to make it stellar.

Bonus #1 : 2 Day Authors Arise Live Online Event (Value $997)

Get together with your writing friends, have fun & friendship and discover your path forward after writing your book - 
Guest speakers, breakout rooms, hotseats & workshop style help
Giving you the tools you need to get in place as an author to:
- Have an online presence
- Build an online audience (social media & email list)
- Prepare yourself as a speaker
- Reach out to gain speaking opportunities
- Use your book to gain business clients
- Both free & paid ways to market your book
- How to get your book into bookstores

Bonus #1 : The Faith Factor - Training session ($197 Value)

Let's get together & train you on how to overcome the self-doubt & fears that can plague every aspiring author.

Designed to help you overcome your limiting beliefs and finally be a confident writer. Includes 'Belief booster' sheet with truth bombs to keep handy & annihilate lies.

Why? Because a confident writer is unstoppable.

Bonus #3 : Belief Boosters (Value $47)

How about having your very own sheet of 'Truth Bombs' designed to defeat every lie you've believed that has hindered you from writing & publishing your book?

I have compiled the most common lies & beliefs that aspiring authors struggle with, and assembled truth statements, founded in the Word of God, that can help you annihilate those lies.

Keep these 'Truth Bombs' with you & read & speak it daily!

Bonus #2: 6 months' Access to a Private Facebook Group (Value: $1,500)

Have you felt alone in your writing journey? No more!
Get the support, accountability and friendship with like-minded authors & aspiring authors who 'get you'!
Learn from each other, be inspired by one another, read each others' work, and support each other when you launch. THIS will help you keep on track.

Bonus #3: Monthly Prayer & Prophetic Hour (Value: Priceless!)

We have discovered that there is opposition to God's daughters writing their books & some warfare involved.

That's why we want you to be covered in prayer while you are writing your book. The team will be doing weekly prayer for all writers and you will be able to join a monthly zoom call for a prayer and prophetic hour with Sue 

Fast Action Bonus: Personal review of your book outline by Sue (Value $997)
 **20 spots only**

Sue will personally look over your book outline to see how it can be improved and made appealing to potential readers. 

She will bring to bear her extensive marketing knowledge plus knowledge of writing to look over your outline for enhancements, greater clarity to the potential reader and words that are more compelling to them.

Bonus #4: 30 Day Writing Dash with prizes! (Value $1,500)

This exciting 30 Day writing competition will keep you so motivated & charged up and get you so much momentum & progress on your book.

The prizes are awesome too:
1st Prize: a 3 chapter review of your book with Sue
2nd Prize: 2 chapter review of your book with Sue
3rd Prize: 1 chapter review of your book with Sue

Bonus #4 : Live Training from award-winning author Missy Maxwell Worton (Value $297)

So excited to have my friend Missy join me in my program!

With over 30 years experience in writing for film and television, Missy teaches authors how to create a book that readers cannot put down.

You will discover how to develop authentic characters that keep the readers interested, designing a great cliff hanger that keeps them glued to the pages, and developing a story arch that tells the redemption story for Kingdom Impact and healing.

Bonus #4 How to create a signature talk from your book (Value $500)

Learn from expert speaking coach, Lisa Vanderkwaak, on how to prepare yourself to get more & better speaking engagements by learning how to craft a signature talk based on your book.

In this 1 hour recorded training, Lisa will guide you through how to take the content of your book & use it to craft an engaging talk for your ideal audience.

**New Bonus!**

Bonus #5 : Live Training with Children's Book Author, Andrew L. Ramirez (Value $197)

Suitable for any fiction writer and anyone who wants to learn more about storytelling - this training will apply to children's books, adult fiction & screenwriting.
A 1 hour live session with 10 x author, Andrew Ramirez, on how to layout your plot & tell your story in an engaging way. 

Bonus #4 : Inbox Inspiration (Value $397)

Weekly emails to check-in on your progress & motivate you to keep on writing! I read every reply.
Having me as your cheerleader in your inbox via 26 emails over a period of 6 months.

Bonus #5 : Character Development - Non-fiction & Fiction (Value $497)

1 Hour of training on Character Development and a chance for personal hot-seating, with developmental editor and storyteller, Heidi Cook.

If you want your fiction to have readable & believable characters, and your non-fiction to be more appealing, she will teach you how!

Bonus #6: 100% off edit for 1 person (Value $1296) & 50% off edit for first 4 sign-ups (Value $648)

Get a full copy-edit of up to 50,000 words from a professional editor for 100% off or 50% off and gain the confidence you need to know that your writing is of a good enough quality to be published and enjoyed by readers. 

Bonus #6: 1 hour training with Pedro Adao, Challenge expert, self-published author & multi-millionaire entrepreneur (Value $5000)

Find out how to market your book using the power of challenges from the expert at challenges, and a master-marketer, Pedro Adao. Pedro has earned millions off the back of his self-published books.
He's a Kingdom entrepreneur with a huge heart for Christians wanting to succeed in the marketplace.

Fast Action Bonus # 6 : Critique Corner : Personalised Critique of your writing (Value $497) 1st 10 People only!

How about getting a personalised critique of either your outline or a sample of your writing with your coach, Sue in a special small group session?

Let Sue work WITH you to get your outline created in a way that makes sense for your reader and brings natural flow to your book.

Also get the validation you are looking for that your writing is good enough & how it can be improved to enhance its quality even more.

Bonus #7 : From Book to a Signature Course

Learn from Ann McDonald, seasoned entrepreneur of 35 years and founder of multiple businesses, who specialises in helping you create a Signature Course from your book.

Get this 2 hour live bonus training with her and learn how to take your knowledge and wisdom from your book and turn it into an online course that you can sell.

Total Value: $8,894 (You don't pay this!)



TODAY $1,200
or start today for just $233 in 6 installments

Accomplished Authors' Program
$197 every month
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2 Books written in 10 months!

I felt like God had dropped her in my lap because I am an excellent procrastinator & I wanted an accountability coach for writing my first book. I also needed a cheerleader. 

Sue is all of the above plus she's a wealth of information when it comes to writing & publishing.
I'll be launching my first & second books by the end of this summer, 2018, which is a year after I met Sue & 10 months after my first coaching session.
Char Slager, Motivational Speaker & Author (Wow!!).
Here's What You'll Get:
  • Write to Publish Step-by-Step: Total of 12 trainings to work through Modules 1 to 4 (& bonus sessions) with lifetime access to all module trainings (Value $2364)
  • Weekly of live coaching calls, with replays
  • Module Worksheets & Downloads
  • 6 Months' Access to Private Facebook Group : Community, support, like-minded friends, accountability - never feel alone in your writing again! (Value: $1,500)
  • 6 months of weekly group writing/action taking calls, with Q&A opportunity (Value $299)
  • Bonus: Launch Strategy : How to launch your book for maximum exposure & reviews (Value : $997)
  • Bonus: Monthly Prayer & Prophetic hour
  • Bonus: Recorded training of Signature talk training with Lisa Vanderkwaak (Value: $500)
  • Choose Your Track: Fiction (children's/YA/adult or non-fiction/memoir/devotional etc)

Total Value: $12854
Yours for $1,200

Money Back Guarantee
Privacy Guaranteed
100% Secure Information
The information presented in this training is intended for education purposes.  We are not presenting you with claims of income you may earn.

A little sneak-peek of what happens in the program...

Frequently Asked Questions:

What if I can't make the live calls?

1. Firstly, call times are generally geared to suit the majority of new members and multiple time zones.
2. All calls will be recorded and you have lifetime access to watch & rewatch them all. You can pause, write notes and re-wind and watch again. Ever had an on-demand service? You get this here too!
3. The community in the FB group is A-MAYYYYZING and even if you are not on live calls, you can ask questions in the group ANYTIME and have a group of supportive cheerleaders encouraging you & answering them (aspiring authors like you PLUS authors in there who are already published, sharing their learnings!)
Sue is also VERY present in the FB group, answering questions. Think this is a program where the main trainer is never around? Think again. Not here.

What time are the classes?

1. Call times are generally geared to suit the majority of new members, but many make great progress just watching replays and asking questions in the fb group.
2. Sue always chooses the best possible times to suit multiple different time zones.

What if life gets busy & I end up missing some trainings?

1. It happens sometimes, which is why Sue has built into this weekly writing calls (with Q&A opportunity) for 6 months. And guess what? After that,  if you want to continue to come to those weekly calls, you can continue on a rolling subscription.
2. You also have ALL the training you need to write, publish and launch your book in a membership site & you have access to those trainings throughout the time of your membership to watch and rewatch. 

What about additional costs of publishing my book?

1. Self-publishing, the way Sue teaches it, is actually completely free.
2. The only other costs are in preparing your book for publication, like your book cover or editing (should you choose to hire an editor); these vary, editing depending on how long your book is. You can do both yourself, or you can hire at very affordable, quite low rates up to premium, depending on your budget. Sue has found good providers of all different rates and will advise you how to quickly find them and brief them.

What if I fail? What if I buy this and end up not doing it?

1. Highly unlikely. Sue has a very good success rate with her clients, primarily because she does not give up on them! Also, because she keeps exhorting and encouraging them when they feel low, demotivated or stuck. It's a no-judgement, safe space and women have joined, life has got in the way and when they returned, they just picked it right up again & got the support they needed from everyone. It's like family. You never leave.

What if a crisis or something else happens in my life that removes my ability to participate? 

1. When you hit a crisis or other family emergency, guess what? You now have an incredibly supportive, encouraging community of women who have your back, will pray for you, stand with you and help you get through it, like never before. As I said, it's like family.
Would you like to have a crisis in your life and NOT have that kind of support and have your book dream fall by the wayside, or have a crisis or situation come up and HAVE incredible support so you can keep going and come out victorious the other side?
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